How to Use rat snake in a Sentence
rat snake
The Texas rat snake can be up to five feet long but is completely harmless.
—Dallas News, 3 Aug. 2022
The same is true for snakes like the Texas rat snake or the western coachwhip, neither of which can sense infrared.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 14 Mar. 2010
The Western rat snake is pretty common in this area, Janusz said.
—Melinda Morris,, 6 June 2018
The rat snakes are common in Texas and usually prey on chicken eggs.
—Brenton Blanchet, Peoplemag, 14 Apr. 2023
The Texas rat snake is a non-venomous reptile that's commonly found in North Texas.
—Jennifer Earl, Fox News, 25 May 2018
Yet other ticks are finicky eaters, such as the rat snake tick, which feeds only on the blood of that particular serpent.
—Susan Scutti, CNN, 15 Sep. 2017
The birds can fly in and out, but their principal predator, the rat snake, is prevented from entering by this sticky mess.
—Pamela Weintraub, Discover Magazine, 28 Apr. 2011
Commenters on the article identified it as a rat snake.
—Fox News, 12 Aug. 2019
While certainly startling to any homeowner, the snake was a non-venomous gray rat snake.
—Leada Gore |, al, 19 Sep. 2022
Various rat snakes are also known for eating a bunch of bird eggs, as are bull snakes, kingsnakes, and eastern racers.
—Sofia Quaglia, Discover Magazine, 21 Feb. 2023
The wardens assisted in untangling a six foot rat snake, which had wrapped itself around the engine parts.
—Community Report, Houston Chronicle, 25 May 2018
Watch how to tell the difference between a deadly cottonmouth snake and a nonvenomous rat snake in this video.
—Joe Marusak, charlotteobserver, 15 June 2018
Luckily for a 5½-foot Eastern rat snake, a Virginia woman noticed something was amiss.
—Washington Post, 1 May 2021
According to Alabama Wildlife, the gray rat snake, also known as a chicken snake or oat snake, is commonly found throughout southern states.
—Sarah Rumpf, Fox News, 24 Sep. 2022
Snake Feeding Presentation, 3:15 p.m. Animals being fed may include a rat snake, ball python, or pine snake.
—, 28 Mar. 2018
The footage clearly showed that the rat snakes were just as quick as their venomous counterparts, with similar strike speeds, accelerations, and strike durations.
—National Geographic, 18 Apr. 2016
In the winter, the animals will den underground, commonly returning to the same spot year after year, and often commune there with other snake species, such as rat snakes and rattlesnakes.
—National Geographic, 22 July 2019
The homeowners believe that their temporary residential guest was a rat snake.
—Peter Dawson, Houston Chronicle, 25 July 2019
The good-guy snakes include but aren’t limited to the eastern hognose snake, Texas brown snake, Texas rat snake, rough green snake, garter snake, milk snake, bullsnake, kingsnake, indigo snake, black racer, water snake, blind snake and coachwhip.
—Howard Garrett, Dallas News, 8 June 2020
Per social media commentators, the snake in the video appears to potentially be a non-venomous black eastern rat snake, which can grow up to 7 feet in length, according to the National Wildlife Federation.
—Nicholas Rice,, 10 Aug. 2020
Walking past cicada exoskeletons hanging from tree branches, a leaping fawn and a rat snake, Dana picked a cicada off a branch, inspected its underside, looked into its zombie eyes and flicked it forward to send it flying off again.
—Morgan Greene,, 17 June 2021
Officials here are now required to prove that certain animals to be sold abroad, including Oriental rat snakes and Timor monitors, are genuinely captive-bred.
—Rachel Nuwer, New York Times, 9 Apr. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'rat snake.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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